Monday, 14 December 2009

Visual language

Illustration has always been close to my heart, having been an avid Beano and Dandy collector as a small boy. It's ability to share and communicate stories is, I suppose, what draws me in (sorry).

So, and in a recent article in the Design Week newsletter, I was pleased to read a great article by Anna Richardson called 'picture perfect' which shared packaging projects from such studios as Elmwood and Pearlfisher.

The article was a real testament to the value an illustrator, or illustrators in some cases, brings to a project. Torben Dunn of Elmwood explains: 'We have people [at Elmwood] who can draw fantastically well, but there are times when you know that if you gave the project to an illustrator they could add something extra. It’s important not to accept second best and get the client to invest in someone who can turn it up another 10 per cent. There’s always some magic an illustrator can bring.’

An in terms of the final execution, illustration is a wonderful way of injecting humour, personality and, if the audience research is done just right, it can connect on a whole different level.

Read the Design Week article here.

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